월드 오브 워크래프트 인벤

와우 인벤 애드온 자료실

BLT Raid Cooldowns

애드온 등록자
최종 업데이트 2013.11.29
카테고리 공격대
클라이언트 버전 5.4.0
애드온 버전 v3.3.2
조회수 5990
추천수 1
다운로드 수 227
관심등록 수 8
BloodLegion 레이드 쿨다운 애드온과 유사하게 만든 공대 생존기 애드온입니다.


Inspired from BloodLegion Raid Cooldowns. ElvUI greatly improve the core design.

BLT Raid Cooldowns tracks raid cooldowns (offensive and defensive), announces casts and availability, and provides a report on CD usage after boss fights.


Configure the options in the blizzard option panel (type /bltrcd config to open directly the panel)

There are 7 hardcoded (for now...) categories :

AOE_HEAL : CD to protect the raid (tranquility, revival, ...)
SINGLE_HEAL : CD to protect one member (eg the tank)
REGEN_MANA : CD to regen mana to all members
REZ : tracks battle rez
AOE_DPS : tracks DPS raid CD (stormlash, crit banner, ...)
DEFENSIVE : tracks DEFENSIVE raid CD (Die By the Sword!, ShieldWall, Barkskin, ...)
MISC: tracks MISC raid CD (Gorefiend's Grasp, Alter Time, Remorseless Winter, ...)
Move categories panel using /bltrcd sim

You can add/edit/remove category and cooldown in the configuration panel using /bltrcd config

Icon tooltip show who can cast the spell, and how much it was used after each bossfight.

Left click on a CD icon to report who can cast the CD

Right click on a CD icon after a bossfight to report usage


/bltrcd config - Open configuration panel.
/bltrcd show - Show/Hide the frame.
/bltrcd sim - Lock/Unlock and Enable/Disable Simulation for each category of cooldown.
/bltrcd report - Show the report frame.



명칭: 주식회사 인벤 | 등록번호: 경기 아51514 |
등록연월일: 2009. 12. 14 | 제호: 인벤(INVEN)

발행인: 서형준 | 편집인: 강민우 |
발행소: 경기도 성남시 분당구 구미로 9번길 3-4 한국빌딩 3층

발행연월일: 2004 11. 11 |
전화번호: 02 - 6393 - 7700 | E-mail: help@inven.co.kr

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