월드 오브 워크래프트 인벤

와우 인벤 애드온 자료실

[4.2] Vengeance Status


애드온 등록자
최종 업데이트 2011.07.20
카테고리 직업
클라이언트 버전 4.2.0
애드온 버전 1.30-40200
조회수 9493
추천수 2
다운로드 수 1393
관심등록 수 29
출처 : http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18111-VengeanceStatus.html#info

업데이트 일자 : 2011- 7- 1

Cataclysm / 4.x only.

Vengeance Status will show a status bar that fills as the tank gains Attack Power from Vengeance

Upon exiting combat the status bar tooltip will update with relevant statistics from the last fight:
•Max Attack Power Gained from Vengeance during the fight.
•Max percent of the vengeance AP cap reached.
•Average AP gained for the fight.
•Vengeance uptime / combat time.
•Uptime percent.

Configuration (command-line only at the moment)
/vgs or /vengeancestatus (reports current settings and reminds of sub-commands)
"/vgs lock" toggles bar lock and enables/disables mouse interaction.
"/vgs scale #" scales the status bar to # (0.5 to 2.0 are valid values)
"/vgs border" toggles showing the statusbar border.
"/vgs bgalpha #" sets the background opacity to # (0 to 1)
"/vgs reset" resets appearance and position to defaults.
"/vgs spam" toggles self-reporting fight statistics to chat (only when locked)
"/vgs combat" toggles only showing the bar in combat and hiding out of combat.
"/vgs session" toggles saving session statistics (default is off)
"/vgs humor #" toggles doing a one time per combat event
(currently a randomly selected "menacing" emote) when you reach # % vengeance.
/vgs humor without parameter defaults to 100%, /vgs humor 65 will do it when you pass 65% in a fight.
(might add sounds or visuals at a later date - default is OFF).

Version 1.2 adds the ability to log session statistics to the saved variables. (off by default)
Use /vgs session to toggle collection of data ON.

To get the data for parsing in an external program Log-out and look for
VengeanceStatus.lua inside \World of Warcraft Beta\WTF\Account\\SavedVariables\

Addon should work on all language clients and for all tanking classes.

사용메모리 30kb정도..
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명칭: 주식회사 인벤 | 등록번호: 경기 아51514 |
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