월드 오브 워크래프트 인벤

와우 인벤 애드온 자료실

[4.0.3] BlizzBugsSuck

블리자드 UI 오류수정

애드온 등록자
최종 업데이트 2010.11.29
카테고리 기타
클라이언트 버전 4.0.3
애드온 버전
조회수 10901
추천수 5
다운로드 수 3276
관심등록 수 14

블리자드의 기본 UI에 대한 오류를 수정해주는 애드온입니다.

따로 스크린샷은 없습니다. 애드온 폴더에 설치만 해주시면 됩니다.

홈페이지 : http://www.wowace.com/addons/blizzbugssuck/

제작자 원문

After every patch there are often a variety of bugs that crop up in the WoW UI. Many of them go largely unnoticed by users. AddOn authors have often made small addons to fix these problems. This addon intends to create a single installation for users that include whatever fixes the community can come up with for UI problems. As new issues and workarounds are discovered they will be added. As old issues get fixed they will be removed. Users benefit by having a single addon they can just keep updated to get the fixes. Blizzard benefits by having a single addon to look for our workarounds to their problems and hopefully things get fixed sooner.

Current fixes include:

* Fix the poiButton error when opening the the Map.
* Fix the API to open to an addon's configuration category to actually open to it and scroll to it.
* The translation for time abbreviations for a single letter in the German Locale is wrong and are 3 letters. Put them back to a single letter. (Half fixed by 4.0.1)

Criteria for inclusion of a fix:

* Be identifiable as a bug as opposed to an intentional design. We will use the FrameXML source code to help determine this and the behavior of the UI to help determine Blizzard's intentions.
* Be transparent for users and not break any other UI element or addon (exception being malicious addons taking advantage of Blizzard UI bugs).
* Not require configuration options. If it's something some people might not want, it's not a candidate for inclusion.

The purpose of this criteria is to limit the fixes to things that everyone universally will want.



명칭: 주식회사 인벤 | 등록번호: 경기 아51514 |
등록연월일: 2009. 12. 14 | 제호: 인벤(INVEN)

발행인: 서형준 | 편집인: 강민우 |
발행소: 경기도 성남시 분당구 구미로 9번길 3-4 한국빌딩 3층

발행연월일: 2004 11. 11 |
전화번호: 02 - 6393 - 7700 | E-mail: help@inven.co.kr

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