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[4.0.6] ButtonFacade
액션바 외형을 변경 할 수 있는 애드온
애드온 등록자 | |
최종 업데이트 | 2011.04.26 |
카테고리 | 액션바 |
클라이언트 버전 | 4.0.6 |
애드온 버전 | 4.0.340 |
조회수 | 51418 |
추천수 | 10 |
다운로드 수 | 12544 |
관심등록 수 | 87 |
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Bartender3(바텐더) 또는 Dominos(도미노) 등의 액션바 애드온을 사용하고있는 분들의
액션바 외형을 다양하게 변경 할 수 있는 애드온입니다.
(예전의 cyCircled 같은 애드온입니다)
[액션바 애드온 외에 버튼이 이용되는 애드온에 대부분 적용 됩니다]
*스킨 플러그인을 같이 설치해야 외형이 변경됩니다
스킨은 ButtonFacade 스킨로 가주세요.
(변경 가능한 여러가지 모습이 스샷으로 있습니다 가서 구경하셔요~)
액션바 애드온을 사용중일 경우에만 해당됩니다!!
또한 원하는 스킨 플러그인을 같이 설치하셔야 외형이 변경됩니다!!
출처 : http://www.wowace.com/addons/buttonfacade/
- 액션바의 외형을 변경 합니다.
[스킨을 다운 받으셔야 합니다]
-설정은 "게임메뉴 ㅡ> 인터페이스 설정 ㅡ> ButtonFacade" 에서 하시면 됩니다.
-압축을 풀어서 "World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns" 폴더 안에 복사하면 됩니다.
[ThinSquare 스킨으로 외형을 변경한 모습]
스샷에 나와있듯이 크기와 테두리색깔 모두 변경 가능합니다
ButtonFacade 스킨
인벤액션바 사용시!!
스킨 설정은 꼭 인벤 액션바 설정창에서 해주세요. ButtonFacade 내에 있는 설정창에서 할 경우 재접속 후 초기화됩니다.
Release History
Skin API:
- Text layers now accept the following attributes:
- FontSize
- JustifyH ("LEFT", "CENTER", "RIGHT")
- JustifyV ("TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM")
- For skins to use the new attributes, a new skin data table key is required. This new key is called LBF_Version. The value of this key MUST be set to 40000 (number) in order to use the new attributes. Older skins need no modifications and will function as they have until after Cataclysm is released, at which point they will *have* to be updated.
Bug Fixes:
- The GUI will no longer skin its child groups. /facepalm
- Text layers can no longer be hidden by skins.
- Fixed an issue that was causing some text elements to be placed oddly at different sizes.
- Updated the default skins to reflect current changes.
- Minor version bumped to 40000.
ButtonFacade GUI:
- Increased the step value for the "Opacity" option for the Gloss layer from 1 to 5.
- Layers not defined in the SkinData table will now be set as hidden.
Skin API:
- Colors must now be passed as a table such as {r, g, b, a}. The attributes "Red", "Blue", "Green" and "Alpha" are no longer supported.
- The HotKey layer no longer supports a "Color" attribute due to update calls overwriting it.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with HotKeys not obeying skin settings. (Ticket 56)
- All texture layers now correctly support the "TexCoords" attribute. (Ticket 59)
- Layers set to false in the ButtonData table will now be ignored instead of being hidden first.
- Text layers will now be above all texture layers, where they should be.
- Fixed an issue with negative frame levels.
- Updated ToC to 40000.
- General:
- Border color support has been removed. This leaves coloring the borders up to add-on authors, as it should be. (Use SetVertexColor)
- The Group:AddButton() method will now correctly return if attempting to add a button to a group that already has that button assigned to it.
- The Group:Skin() method now only supports a table of the layers and their respective colors.
- The Group:SetLayerColor() method used by the ButtonFacade GUI will now correctly update the skin with new color.
- A button's additional frame layers will now automatically update their levels when Button:SetFrameLevel() is called.
- Removed the redundant code for SetTextColor() and SetVertexColor() since they apparently work as they should.
- A new method, Group:ReSkin(), is available so authors can reapply the skin after calls that may interfere with LBF's engine.
- A new method, LBF:Debug() is available that will cause LBF to throw errors on certain issues (IE, bad skin parameters, etc). Note that this function acts as a toggle.
- Authors can use LBF, version = LibStub("LibButtonFacade") to check the LBF version for compatibility. This release is 30305.
- More code optimization. (Scope: It's not just for bad breath.)
ButtonFacade GUI:
- The ButtonFacade GUI has been reworked a little and tool tips should now be slight more descriptive.
- Layers that are disabled in the skin definition will now show their respective options as disabled in the GUI.
Skin API:
- The "Border" layer no longer supports the "Color" attribute.
- Updated for 3.3.5. All future versions will be for 4.0 and later.
- ButtonFacade should much more CPU friendly. (I hope)
- ButtonFacade will no longer be registered in the global namespace. Authors will have to use AceAddOn or IsAddOnLoaded() to check for it.
- Removed AceLocale.
- Updated ToC to 30300.
- Switch to GetObjectType since GetFrameType was removed.
- Copy esES to esMX localization to eliminate the hard-coded force use of esES for esMX.
- Fixed a library typo.
- Adjusted the format and file name of the change log.
- Localization update.
Skin API:
- Text layers now accept the following attributes:
- FontSize
- JustifyH ("LEFT", "CENTER", "RIGHT")
- JustifyV ("TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM")
- For skins to use the new attributes, a new skin data table key is required. This new key is called LBF_Version. The value of this key MUST be set to 40000 (number) in order to use the new attributes. Older skins need no modifications and will function as they have until after Cataclysm is released, at which point they will *have* to be updated.
Bug Fixes:
- The GUI will no longer skin its child groups. /facepalm
- Text layers can no longer be hidden by skins.
- Fixed an issue that was causing some text elements to be placed oddly at different sizes.
- Updated the default skins to reflect current changes.
- Minor version bumped to 40000.
ButtonFacade GUI:
- Increased the step value for the "Opacity" option for the Gloss layer from 1 to 5.
- Layers not defined in the SkinData table will now be set as hidden.
Skin API:
- Colors must now be passed as a table such as {r, g, b, a}. The attributes "Red", "Blue", "Green" and "Alpha" are no longer supported.
- The HotKey layer no longer supports a "Color" attribute due to update calls overwriting it.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with HotKeys not obeying skin settings. (Ticket 56)
- All texture layers now correctly support the "TexCoords" attribute. (Ticket 59)
- Layers set to false in the ButtonData table will now be ignored instead of being hidden first.
- Text layers will now be above all texture layers, where they should be.
- Fixed an issue with negative frame levels.
- Updated ToC to 40000.
- General:
- Border color support has been removed. This leaves coloring the borders up to add-on authors, as it should be. (Use SetVertexColor)
- The Group:AddButton() method will now correctly return if attempting to add a button to a group that already has that button assigned to it.
- The Group:Skin() method now only supports a table of the layers and their respective colors.
- The Group:SetLayerColor() method used by the ButtonFacade GUI will now correctly update the skin with new color.
- A button's additional frame layers will now automatically update their levels when Button:SetFrameLevel() is called.
- Removed the redundant code for SetTextColor() and SetVertexColor() since they apparently work as they should.
- A new method, Group:ReSkin(), is available so authors can reapply the skin after calls that may interfere with LBF's engine.
- A new method, LBF:Debug() is available that will cause LBF to throw errors on certain issues (IE, bad skin parameters, etc). Note that this function acts as a toggle.
- Authors can use LBF, version = LibStub("LibButtonFacade") to check the LBF version for compatibility. This release is 30305.
- More code optimization. (Scope: It's not just for bad breath.)
ButtonFacade GUI:
- The ButtonFacade GUI has been reworked a little and tool tips should now be slight more descriptive.
- Layers that are disabled in the skin definition will now show their respective options as disabled in the GUI.
Skin API:
- The "Border" layer no longer supports the "Color" attribute.
- Updated for 3.3.5. All future versions will be for 4.0 and later.
- ButtonFacade should much more CPU friendly. (I hope)
- ButtonFacade will no longer be registered in the global namespace. Authors will have to use AceAddOn or IsAddOnLoaded() to check for it.
- Removed AceLocale.
- Updated ToC to 30300.
- Switch to GetObjectType since GetFrameType was removed.
- Copy esES to esMX localization to eliminate the hard-coded force use of esES for esMX.
- Fixed a library typo.
- Adjusted the format and file name of the change log.
- Localization update.